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"When all else fails, have faith"

Sunday, September 18, 2011

What's your secret?: Change is the only constant in life

We’re all afraid of change and we all try to keep certain things that we feel that’s worth keeping but in the end there’s nothing that’s permanent and everything happens for a reason. I believe everything works out for the best. As painful it might be for that temporary moment in time, we grow from it and we learn how to face it the next time around. I’ve always been the kind of person that saw relationships as a joke and when I saw people cry and get dramatic about little arguments that they have I thought, that’s so pointless get over it. Then I realized that when you get attached to someone it’s hard to be rational and think clearly, it’s hard to control your emotions and move on from something that seems so significant. Maybe I’m just ranting about something unnecessary but this is how I feel at this very moment.

- Blogsecret, tumblr
